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This is a new course so I don't have any testimonials about it, but here's what people say about my other stuff!

For New & Existing Shopify Users

Shopify Badassery: Learn How to Set Up & Optimize Your Shopify Store. 

  • Total payment
  • 1xShopify Badassery$397

All prices in USD

The Checklist – A step-by-step doc that walks you through EVERYTHING you need to do BEFORE going live to ensure your customers can check out, you're legally protected, and your store is optimized for conversion!  (Value $97)

Site Inspiration & Strategy: See real-life examples of sites that I’ve created & optimized for my clients. Peek over my shoulder as I share my thought process behind all the decisions I made and how you can apply that same logic to your business. (Value $197)
Design Tutorials – Video walkthroughs to help you pick your theme, and show you how to design gorgeous pages utilizing Shopify 2.0. Plus I'll share my favorite apps to give you even more design flexibility  (Value $197)
Turn Browsers into Buyers – The organization of your products, collections, and navigation menu can make or break your website conversion. We'll dive deep into the user experience to ensure your site is designed to convert with video walkthroughs & examples   (Value $297)

Product Conversion Strategy - Learn how to optimize your product pages for maximum conversion. We'll cover everything from page layout to content creation and how to utilize Shopify's new AI content generator. (Value $197)

Shopify 2.0 Tutorials - Learn the latest features of Shopify 2.0 such as sections everywhere, metafields, search & discovery, and more to ensure you're utilizing Shopify to its fullest potential without unnecessary app expenses and website slowdowns (Value $197)
Shopify Settings How-To Guide: Take the guesswork out of properly setting up your store. We'll walk through every setting on your Shopify store with my preferred options. (Value $97)
The Legal Stuff – Learn what policies you MUST HAVE on your website, how to properly generate, and how to properly manage sales tax to protect yourself & your business. (Value $97)
